Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sarah's Palin

So..... Its been proven that Sarah used her influence in the case where she tried to get her ex-brother in law fired as a state trooper. That along with her inciting people almost to violence proves she is unworthy of the vice presidency. I listed to a McCain town hall meeting held about 2 miles from my house yesterday. This is a battle state but I think he has lost the fight.

A woman said she was afraid of Obama because he was an Arab. McCain did try to clear that up by saying that Obama is a good family man, a citizen of this country, and the only problem he had with Obama was a difference of opinion. He is trying to calm down his followers after eagerly promoting a mob like mentality. He picked Sarah, the pit bull in lipstick, and now he has to swallow it.

Sarah always talks about being a hockey mom. Well, I was a hockey mom too until it became so expensive that we had to find something else to do. If she can afford hockey for her kids, she is far richer than I am. And, typical hockey moms don't dress like she does either.

I also don't like the fact that she uses her small son to illicit pity. My uncle was a down syndrome baby and we didn't use him to make people feel sorry for us. There are many down syndrome people in the world so she can't corner that market. She hardly holds him at all, just passes him off to one of her children after she pats him a couple of times.

But, this is just my opinion. Who knows what lurks in her mind. But I will say that she scares me more than John McCain. He at least has the wisdom of his years.

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