Friday, February 27, 2009

New Day

Its not quite 5 a.m. Phil, up early, has stolen my shower spot.
It snowed yesterday. Wind blowing, flakes flying. I don't know how much we got,but it has turned the yard white. The backyard is full of dog prints but the front is smooth and beautiful.
As a kid raised in the country, on days like this after a new snow fall, it was like a person got to start all over. Everything pristine and new, fresh.
So, I will go to work, the first to step out into the snow and a new day.
Beginnings are not always easy, but in some cases necessary.

Take care out there.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life in the time of depression

Two winter storms are on their way. I can deal with the snow and the cold, its the economical storm I worry about.

Cuts in pay across the board where I work. Thankfully I don't make that much money so my cut is small..
Some will have 10% or more in wage cuts.
People are worried. You see it in faces at the grocery store, gas station, bank, and at home.
My son's wages at the U of M have been cut. He may have to move back home. At least I know he will be able to eat.
My daughter's job hasn't called her to work in two weeks. She works part time as a waitress and there just isn't enough business to pay even part time wages.
I worry about my husband's job. I keep thinking of ways that I can help but I think the boss, who is pretty business savvy,has cut back just about every way he can.

Good people I work with, good people Phil works with, this economy is hitting home with a vengeance.

I have been trying to eke out dinners, making them last a tad longer by adding something. I have been baking from scratch and may start using my bread maker again.
I only hope that what ever I can offer will be of benefit to my husband, who is my world. I do not want him stressed more than he is.

I think I will start looking for a cobbler, etc to have on hand. In times past when my shoes got shoddy, I just bought a new pair. Now, I polish them and try to protect them as much as possible because they have to last longer than normal. I also have to start going to the library more often. I am sure Barnes and Noble love it when they see me as I am an avid reader, but for now, its back to the library.

I am sure we will make it through this. We are pretty tough and I grew up with next to nothing, my parent's depression frugality a fact of life. Hopefully those values will stand me in good stead in the days ahead. Perhaps we can come up with some creative ways to make ends meet.

It's a grey day. I have to remember to "keep my sunny side up". Sometimes a laugh or smile can make a difference and so I will try to do that as much as possible.

I wish you all better days ahead.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The importance of water

I have learned, the hard way, to make sure to drink a lot of water.
Three days in the hospital are not good ways to learn this.
Kidney stones are a good way to learn this, but terribly painful.

Skip the pain. Drink a lot of water.

Off to bed

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Early Morning

Life is interesting. I go to work and answer phones, direct visitors, etc. Very verbal and face to face. When I get home, the last thing I want to do is talk to people.
I am a bit of an introvert, and I have a tendency to hibernate while home.
So, I read news, blogs, etc on the internet. I have become attached to certain blogs, and certain bloggers as if they were friends that come over on Friday nights for a beer and pizza. When they don't post on a regular basis, I worry that something is wrong.
If they seem down, I post comments on their sites, trying in my way to be supportive.
Silly I know. But I am loyal if nothing else. And I do enjoy the different writing styles and content.
I should go out and do things, meet people, communicate in real life. But, I am content in my little world. And if I garner pleasure from these things, what is the harm?
Its early, I am a bit foggy, and I really need to get ready for the day.
I wish a good day for all in my life, bloggers included. You know who you are.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhogs Day

So the damned rodent saw it's shadow this morning. I say bring out the traps!
Why this large guinea pig has any say on whether we look for buds on the trees, or add another layer of polar fleece to our winter wardrobe, I will never know.

I just can't see why they don't put some bright spot light over its head to fool it a little. But, as they say, you can't mess with Mother Nature.

Well, Mr. Punxsutawney Phil, lets have a do over. If you see your shadow again, its the dog bowl for you!

I don't know if I can stand more of this weather. Saturday it was sunny, melting and beautiful. You could almost smell "spring" in the air, but perhaps it was the dog "gifts" in the back yard.

I think I will burn my wool socks when spring actually does come. An offering to the gods that be.