Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can of worms

I watched the debates last night. I just think that McCain is a loose canon waiting to go off. I believe that he has been through terrible things in his life, but I just do not think those things make him presidential.
I am a peaceful person to a certain extent. Yes, I would defend myself and mine against others, but I do not think we have a right to insert ourselves any place we choose to force our own agenda.
I think John McCain is too willing to send our boys and girls of the military into harms way with nothing justified.
Yes, I understand we need to protect ourselves but this current situation reminds me of ancient Rome. We have spread ourselves out too far, we are broke, and we just do not have a concentrated power to correct any of the situations we find ourselves in. But I refuse to take credit for Iraq. I believed it was wrong, I believe it was a ploy to send our attention off in a different direction so that a failure in one area (Afghanistan) was not as obvious.
When I was in the military, we were taught to always watch the Soviet Union. They had a nasty habit of promoting unrest in a certain area of the world, and while our eyes were watching that, they secretly pulled something bigger and meaner in another area. This was their typical ploy in Georgia too. But when I see my own country pulling the same crap, it makes me fear for our country.
I want the billions to stop going to Iraq. I want our old people to be healthy. I want our young people to have hope for a future. I want to feel comfortable that the hard work I have done over the past 40 years (yes I was working when I was barely a teen ager) to mean something. So that in my older years I am comfortable and have decent medical. And I don't just want this for myself but for everyone that has made an effort to work towards their golden years.
And now all this encouragement to put money away and save has backfired. Many people have lost their life savings, lost their health coverage or are paying a very high price for it, and many people have lost their jobs and their homes.
Where is this American way people keep talking about? What is our future and where is our ability to help our own?
We are sliding quickly into being a third world country. I am tired. I think we all are. The dream seems to be turning into a nightmare.

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