Monday, March 16, 2009

Early Evening

Sometimes, when the weather is nice, I wait out on the front steps for my husband to get home.
Today is such a day, and a lovely one to ride your bike. He rides his to work in good weather.

While I sat there, two different vehicles at two different times stopped at the 4 way stop on my street. Both times a man was yelling at the passenger (I think they were women) about paying bills, money problems, etc.

This is a blue collar neighborhood. And there have been home repos, as many as 90+ in this small community. It was so disquieting that I had to come back in the house. And no matter where you are, you can't get away from the fact that our world seems to be exploding.

It is a beautiful evening. And I am waiting for my husband to come home.


Reamus said...

What a nice way to live...I wish I could ride my bike to work and have someone waiting on the porch when I got home...

Stress makes for strange is a sad thing..

Sempringham said...

These are hard times, for sure. It's hard to sound optimistic without sounding like Pollyana, but there's good to be found anyway.

troutay said...

It was good evening. I made blue cheese hamburgers. I wanted a picnic. And yes, my life is pretty damned good! I don't want to be like Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette and have to wait until I am very old to realize how wonderful it all has been.

Sempringham, now I have that song running through my head....

"I'll be a pollyana. Who should worry, not for nothing...." was it Doris Day?