Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The importance of water

I have learned, the hard way, to make sure to drink a lot of water.
Three days in the hospital are not good ways to learn this.
Kidney stones are a good way to learn this, but terribly painful.

Skip the pain. Drink a lot of water.

Off to bed


Sempringham said...

Welcome home, Troutay. Glad you're doing better.

troutay said...

Thanks! Its nice to sleep in my own bed without being woken up every few hours to squeeze the heck out of my arm for my blood pressure. I have marks to prove it.

Now to continue with my 8 glasses of water a day.

Jeannelle said...

I've never had a kidney stone but have heard about the terrible pain they cause. I hope your pain is in the past now. Yes, drink, drink, drink. That's about all I said to my daughter last week when she was sick with the swollen tonsil. Fluid intake is so important.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Reamus said...

Welcome back. Been there and done that as they say...not fun at all. Glad you are home, enjoying your own bed and better.
Hope you are up and about soon!