Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Early Morning

Life is interesting. I go to work and answer phones, direct visitors, etc. Very verbal and face to face. When I get home, the last thing I want to do is talk to people.
I am a bit of an introvert, and I have a tendency to hibernate while home.
So, I read news, blogs, etc on the internet. I have become attached to certain blogs, and certain bloggers as if they were friends that come over on Friday nights for a beer and pizza. When they don't post on a regular basis, I worry that something is wrong.
If they seem down, I post comments on their sites, trying in my way to be supportive.
Silly I know. But I am loyal if nothing else. And I do enjoy the different writing styles and content.
I should go out and do things, meet people, communicate in real life. But, I am content in my little world. And if I garner pleasure from these things, what is the harm?
Its early, I am a bit foggy, and I really need to get ready for the day.
I wish a good day for all in my life, bloggers included. You know who you are.


Reamus said...

Just let life be what it is. Thanks for reading my stuff, I always appreciate it and am happy to have you visit.
Hope the day is a good one. I'll try to get another essay up this week.


Sempringham said...

Nothing silly about any of that, Troutay.

Your readers (of your blog and your comments) have the same reactions, I'd guess. I sure do.