Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The morning after

Its been quite a roller coaster ride over the past months. This morning I feel calmer and think the world is a better place.
We spent the evening with my husband's boss and wife. Great people, they invited us to share the election results. Laura (Chip's wife) and I were fevered every time a new stat would come in.
I think we were both stunned when Obama won. One of those "pinch myself so I know I am awake" moments.

But we did it! And now the hard part comes. Because we each have to do what ever we can to change this country we live in. We can't leave it up to Obama, WE have to work hard too.
We have to roll up our sleeves, tighten our belts, go out on the street in our towns and cities, in the country and everywhere. We have to work to make this new world better.

Go tell it on the Mountain. Obama is not a god, he is a man who has given us hope of a better place.

1 comment:

Franny said...

Barb, I love your writings. You write so well! Keep on doing your writings EVERY DAY. Lots of Love, Franny-Mom