Friday, November 14, 2008

Its cold outside but I am feeling fine

I don't get cold often any more. After my surgery in January, well, I get little bursts of roasting heat that leave me half melted. But enough of woman stuff.
I saw a flock of trumpeter swans yesterday morning. I don't see them very often so it was lovely.
I enjoy seeing things like that and I never take those special glimpses for granted.

We are going up north this weekend. It will be cold but we have our little woodstove and the electric blanket. It probably will be the last time we stay over until spring. I hate leaving the cabin all winter, but until we get it finished we couldn't stay warm through the winter.
I think I could stay there forever. Taking walks along the road and running into cousins doing the same. Agate picking (thats what we call it), looking out over the field and seeing a glimpse of Hickory Lake. I will miss the fishing. Phil and I would go out on Saturday mornings and watch the world wake up. Spirit is a lovely lake to be on early in the morning. I never really cared if we caught anything, it was just sharing quiet moments with each other.

We get more content as we age. I hope that happens for most married couples that stick it out.
We are not spring chickens anymore. There are wrinkles and droops, aches in joints and vision that is changing. But my husband will always be handsome and young in my eyes. I think that is what love really is. Going through life, the good parts and the bad parts, and learning to lean on each other. The trust that comes with long aquaintance.

Its cold outside, but here in our little home, it is always warm. And I am feeling fine.

1 comment:

Reamus said...

Everyday above ground is a good day in my view.