Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Waiting for the coffee to be done.....

I woke up too early this morning and could not go back to sleep. That seems to be happening a bit too often lately. And I have miles to go before I sleep again.

I have been checking my son's facebook page to see if there are any new postings from him. He took the train to Caen Normandy on Friday, is in Paris as we speak, and will be heading back to London on the 3rd. How exciting is that!? (pause - mmmm coffee) I am excited to see what new pictures he will post and what stories he has to tell.

Some weekends ago, my husband and I went to see a friend who plays in a band. This friend was playing quite close to where we live so we decided to walk. Not only would we be safe if we drank a tad to much (which we didn't) but we also need the exercise after being cooped up this winter.

A good time was had by all, we didn't make too big fools of ourselves on the dance floor, and the band was very very good! We left a bit before midnight and decided not to take the same route back as we had there. The sidewalks are treacherous and I have always had visions of myself falling and breaking a hip or something. (I think most Minnesota women have this fear).

As we walked across the street to get to a side street off the bigger road, a police car came racing out of no where with his lights flashing and PULLED US OVER! He wouldn't explain why, he just insisted on seeing our IDs. After having the daylights scared out of me, I tried to explain why we were walking on the side of the road (ice conditions). He didn't want to hear anything, he just plugged our license numbers into his computer. A tinny voice came back and said that our IDs were good. As he handed them back, he said "Walk on the sidewalk".

Needless to say, I was angry about this. One does not normally carry one's ID if one is just out for a walk (which is basically what we were doing).

I waited a couple of days to cool off and then shot an email to the Chief of Police. I wanted to know what the police officer's reason was for not only pulling us over, but also his rudeness and failure to explain his reasons. I have yet to get a response.

We do not need bullies out there. But I look at past incidences with the police in my town (not my incidences but ones I have heard), and I am beginning to think that in this small burb town, one is guilty until proven innocent. There was no traffic on the road, we weren't drunk, we live 5 blocks away, etc. But there you have it. Pulled over for street walking.

It is now my normal wake up time so I had better go get ready for work. I think I will have Cherry pie for breakfast.


Bob Miller said...

A clear violation of Section 230.8B of the Uniform Criminal Code: Out After 10:30 p.m. While Middle-Aged.

troutay said...


Yes, I guess that must be it!