Saturday, March 20, 2010


It has been a crazy week. My sister was visiting from Canada. She has lived there for years and I don't get to see her that often. I drove up to see her several years ago in Toronto. It was a beautiful drive across the UP and into Canada. There are still small farms there which was wonderful to see. I also saw bear and deer so often it became common.

My sister is silly, crazy, funny, talented, and I love her dearly. She was a second mother to me being the oldest of 8 children. A lot of responsibility on those small shoulders. But she became a very organized person and I wish I had that skill. She can multi task till the cows come home and is always 10 steps ahead.

She also plays in a ukulele band up there and because of the singing and strumming in the house, I am now the proud owner of a ukulele. I can now play "Big Rock Candy Mountain". Very slowly of course because it is difficult to learn all the cords to songs. This one is easy because it only has three and I know the song from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou". Maybe I will become a busker and work for small change although I know I have a lot more songs to learn.

That is my week. A new one is ahead. I will miss my sister and look forward to seeing her again although I don't know when. She just calls and shows up like spring.

Have a great weekend all.

1 comment:

Reamus said...

Iwant to know what "Busker" means? Never heard the might be good at it!