Thursday, March 4, 2010

55 and still alive!

I have entered the great club of "Senior hood" today. I woke to a beautiful bouquet of flowers in sunny yellows, a complete breakfast of bacon and eggs, and happy returns from my dearest husband. It was lovely!

When I got to work, there were roses and a massive group of balloons from a dear friend here. Cards and presents, hugs and best wishes.

Too bad every day can't be like this.

I have finally reached that age where small things don't matter, the weather is a big deal, discounts abound, and one is finally happy with who they are. At least most of the time.
I make a commitment today to show those I love, love. To show those who are friends, friendship, and to disregard all the others. I just want to be kind and graceful.

Happy day for me!!!
Hope it is a good one for you also.


Reamus said...

And four days later have mine! I knew you must be a Pices...congrats on the milestone and the celebration!

troutay said...

Hey! Happy Birthday! Late!
Now my birthday means more......

sjm said...

Happy Birthday!!!

55 isn't so bad ... of course, it was years ago.