Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This is not a cooking blog

Definitely not a cooking blog. Couldn't sleep. Got up finally at 3:45 a.m. and decided to make something. Scones!

I added everything, mixed and realized something is wrong. A quick re-check of the recipe shows I have forgotten an all important ingredient. Butter! Now I have this massive glob and have to mix the butter in. I have no idea if this will work but I did the best I could, cut the rolled out blob into scone shapes and I am waiting to see if they turn out. I guess my mind is someplace else, mostly wondering if Sam made it safely to London.

The timer on the oven rings. I take out the now golden brown rough looking blobs and actually, they look fine. I will try one and if it worked, I won't tell anyone that I messed up. Because really, who can mess up scones, right?

I should have put chocolate chips in them.

Good morning to you all. Have a scone.......


Marla said...

Haha. I think you should be forgiven because it was 3:45 in the morning. I can't even remember my own name at that time of day. :)

Bob Miller said...

Forgot the butter!?! I can hear Julia Child spinning.

troutay said...

I did add the butter after the fact.
And actually, they turned out fine.
At least, as fine as they could be at that time of the morning.

Reamus said...

Scones at 300 AM sound wonderful!