Tuesday, January 12, 2010

London Calling

Sam leaves for London today. I have had that on my mind for some time now. He tends to be like Phil in certain ways and forgets things he deems unimportant like where he put his wallet, or locking up his bike, etc. Yes, he is 22 and a man now, but I worry as he is my baby and always will be.

But on the other hand I envy him his adventure. I loved to travel and did well on my own. Spain, Portugal, Japan, DC, etc. I did meet people along the way (I have forgotten most of them), and tried to get away from military stuff most of the time. So I hope he has a grand adventure that he can bring to mind and savor all his life. It is a wonderful learning experience for him and I know that he will make the best of it.

But....my baby, my still smoothed cheek child will be an ocean and a culture away from the hugs of a somewhat over protective mother. Maybe that is the point. After this, my mothering will not be as important any more. All those years of protection, of soothing, of loving more than life will be like a wallet. Hopefully not laid aside and forgotten.

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