Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Raggy Baggy

I need a hair cut. I am beginning to look like an escapee from Woodstock. Not that the hair styles then weren't the thing at the time. But I look shaggy. And now that I made a New Year's vow not to buy anything new until I am fitter, I feel a tad like a rag doll.

It is amazing how a new style or a new outfit make one feel so good. I think this is why women buy so many clothes. In our sometimes mundane lives, feeling wonderful because we look good is so important.

So, I think I will get a cut this weekend. Maybe something new and stylish. But I will have to think about it because if it is the wrong decision, I could wind up having to look like some chipmunk for a couple of weeks before my hair grows long enough to do the same old thing with.

Until then, I will have to curl, spray, rat, or do what ever it takes to make this mop of mine look somewhat acceptable.

Cheers to you all


Reamus said...

It isn't just a woman thing...I feel better when I get my hair cut too!

troutay said...

I guess that is true. Its not a gender thing.

But it does make us feel good to spruce up a bit doesn't it?

Bob Miller said...

Gosh, but you've gotten talkative all of a sudden! :-) Any word from London?