Saturday, October 31, 2009

Early. Much too early!

It is Saturday. One of the days you get to sleep in. And I wake up at 5:00 a.m.
and can't go back to sleep. It is cold and rainy outside and inside seems a very
nice place to be. I don't see anything exciting planned for the weekend. It seems
I will be cleaning for two days. I never seem to get caught up with laundry, no matter
how long, how many loads, etc. I believe it grows over night and unless you do
it all and have not one dirty item in the whole house, it breeds. Figure the odds
that I can get every single dirty thing clean in two days. I lose.

Kansas has been eating things off the counter tops in the middle of the night.
She doesn't want to come up stairs like she normally does when we go to bed.
Lurking on the couch, she waits until she thinks we are asleep (and we usually
are). The other night she ate a tray of muffins. Last night she scarfed
up a pan of cornbread. Well, she didn't eat it all, but has shaved it into
the Grand Canyon with her teeth. She must have been very careful as it is
a glass cake pan and she didn't drag it off on the floor. Reminder to one's
self: Make sure never to leave anything on the counter that is edible to
a dog.
Second note to self: Never leave pantry door open unless you want to wake
up to a kitchen floor covered in trash.

Third note to self: Never ever again have a white linoleum floor in the
kitchen unless you like muddy dog prints.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Reamus said...

Laundry is spawned at night I am as certain as you are.

The dog eats off the counters??? What is it a Great Dane?