Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lost Boys

Next week brings an incredible change to our country. Yes, many will say we were duped with messages that promised hope and the ability for each of us to change our world. Hope to me is that small green growing thing inside each and everyone of us, a personal spring. If we water it, and treat it kindly, who knows what it will become.

One of my "lost boys" just turned 21 years of age. As his "other mother", I attended this birthday party as a celebration of what this young man has become. When he first came to me, he was troubled, and in trouble. Problems at home, beyond his control, had semi shattered his life. And he was lost.
We were fortunate to have some input into this young man's life. We fed him, gave him a bed, made him do his homework, but he himself was hopeful that things would get better. And they did. I am proud of this young man. I might have put food in his belly and scolded him a time or two, but the hope was his own.

Mark is in the National Guard, a good fit for a still growing young man. It saddened me when he went to Iraq. He has a very sensitive soul and I am still a bit worried about his experiences there. But he is in school now, and working full time. And taking care of himself.

Mark got news the other day that he was heading to DC as part of the inaugural security force. He was very excited to be part of such a historical celebration.
I told him to make sure he wore long underwear, and wool socks. And I told him he was a lucky little bastard. The interesting thing is he called us first. Before his own parents.

Ah Marky. Do us proud. Stand straight, be kind, and hopefully you will see our new president in the distance.
And have fun! You are now 21 with all the rights and privileges. And I have hope for you, as I do for all.

Here is to a better future for us all, and for Mark and my own children. They are just coming into the world and we need to make them a green growing future.


Jeannelle said...

You must be a foster parent. How I admire people who do that.

That sounds exciting to be involved with the inaugural. My daughter knows a guy in the Iowa Nat'l Guard who is in D.C. for that reason, too.

troutay said...

Jeannelle: Thanks for coming to visit.
No,not a foster parent. We just collect kids.
Did you find out about your church?