Saturday, August 30, 2008

Paper towels

There is a commercial on TV that I just hate. The scene is set when a father and son stand peering at something on the floor. Someone has spilled their beverage and the two are debating on how many paper towels it will take to clean up the mess. The father says 4 sheets, the son says 5. Typically male, they stand over the mess and watch it flow towards the carpet. No effort is made to clean it up themselves.

All of a sudden, Mom pipes up and says, in an upbeat manner, that it will only take 1 sheet of the paper towels to clean up. She swoops in, wipes up the mess, rinses the paper towel out and cleans off the carpet. She seems soooo happy and cheerful to be allowed to clean up. It sickens me on two levels.
1. Why can't the damned "boys" clean up their own mess? They stand there watching the liquid seep towards the carpet like it was some sort of Nascar race!
2. No woman I know would be happy to clean up the mess in this manner. A normal woman wouldn't smile so sweetly and rush to clean it up. She would be yelling at the idiots to hurry up and wipe it up before it reaches the carpet. She wouldn't care how many paper towels were used!

This isn't a Beaver Cleaver world. And to promote the idea or concept that women are only too happy to clean up after every one is bull. What was this company thinking?

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