Thursday, May 7, 2009


This is a quick post while I wait for my daughter to get me eggs for Phil's cake. I thought I had it all planned out but NO EGGS!

Yes,it is Phil's birthday today and I am making two cakes and potato salad.
Every year Chip and the boys (including Phil) go up to Leech Lake to fish on opening weekend. It usually is on Mother's Day weekend, but I am used to that.

They leave on Friday and come back late on Monday. In past years, I have sent along potato salad but last year I didn't. I was in the process of debating quiting a job that was so horrible, I would come home exhausted every day. I did quit, but like I said, there was no potato salad. Imagine my surprise when the boys called and asked me
where the potato salad had been. I have promised to make it until the end of times.
Its nice that they like it. It is my mother's old recipe....a little of this and a little of that and you mix until it has that perfect taste.

So here I wait. For the eggs. Maybe the cake will be done for dinner. Who knows?
Lucky me my guy is so laid back and will find humor in the situation.

His birthday is always a great day for me too.

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!!


Reamus said...

If I got cake and your grandmother's potato salad every year, I could have a sense of humor too!

Stay well...enjoy

shutterhand said...

The potato salad was divine! Thanks!

troutay said...

Hopefully Kurt didnt eat it all....or most of it.

Thanks for letting Phil win the pot.