Saturday, January 30, 2010


It is cold here but the moon is so huge and bright. Beautiful!
Son in London is doing well. I hear London is a mecca for vegitarians so he is happy. He posted pictures of Bath, Stonehenge, the Military Museum he is interning at. All in all he seems to be doing well.

I have cabin fever. Badly. I go to work and come home, maybe with a side trip to Beyerly's to get some sushi rolls, or to a fabric store (like I need more fabric!). Just call me Hermit.

Lately I have been dreaming about summer. Walking down the country road by the cabin looking for agates. I am a rock hound to the nth degree. I have containers full of rocks, some good, some bad. Mostly agates but I only keep the big ones. I have rocks from Arizona, New Mexico, well, you name it, I have rocks everywhere. I do not know anything about geology, I just know what I like.

So, I am bored half to death. If I could just sleep all the time things would pass quickly. But I can't and I have a nasty habit of waking up by at least 4:30 - 5:00 a.m. Sometimes the days just seem so long I can't wait till nightfall comes. But this only happens in this second tundra on the right. Minnesota can be so beautiful, but also so bleak at this time of the year.

I am ready. Ready for spring and the cabin. Ready for long walks on dusty roads. Ready for green leaves and fishing.

Sigh. The furnace comes on once more.


Reamus said...


First there is february, then life gets better, honest.

Agates heh? Must be a heavy hobby (hah)!

troutay said...

Yep, and there are a lot of lever rites too. (leave er right there).

Country Girl said...

Don't come to my blog. I'm posting snow pictures. We don't get that much here so it's always welcome.

You did win my giveaway, though.